Finley Jean Baird
September 23, 2008 10:55 am 6 lbs. 5 oz. 18 1/2 inches long
Mother and Daughter and doing great!!

Jodi has had very high blood pressure the last couple of weeks (compliments of her father), the Dr. has been keeping an eye on her. Monday the Dr. decided it was safe for the baby to be delivered, and induced Jodi 9 days early to side step any problems with her blood pressure. I'll let Jodi tell you the details of the birth, I just want to hold Finley.
It was during the lunch rush that Jodi called to let me know of her birth. With the encouragement of Peggy (partner (boss) at work) as soon as lunch was over and the $$ counted I left early to head to the hospital, I was the only one there this time so I held her most of the time.

Later in the evening Mark and I took Aidan to the hospital to meet his new sister and see his parents. When we arrived--it was a party! you can't see everyone that was there, but the room was full. So nice to have friends and family that care. When we were leaving, 2 more friends arrived.

Here is the new Baird family!

Aidan was fascinated (for a minute) then he resumed running around the curtain and entertaining everyone with his enthusiasm.

We even tricked Papa into holding her (he likes to hold them when they are a little bit bigger), but he obliged for a picture.

Aidan has been very good while we have had him. Papa had him all day today while I was at work, which is great for Aidan, it's Papa that he wants. He truly loves his Papa and I bet Finley will too. --So do I!