Friday, September 12, 2008

A resounding YES on Proposition 8

I am voting YES on California Proposition 8.
I am writing this post for two reasons, 1st to state where I stand on the issue, 2nd to respond to another blog written in opposition to Proposition 8.
There are many reasons but I will site my main reason.  My true conviction and beliefs follow the doctrines of the Restored Church, The Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter Day-Saints.  I am not a blind follower, I have studied it out carefully  and found the truth to be revealed to me personally.  Therefore, I will follow a living prophet!  He has revealed to us and I quote "We ask that you do all you can to support the proposed constitutional amendment by donating of your means and time to assure that marriage in California is legally defined as being between a man and a woman.  Our best efforts are required to preserve the sacred institution of marriage"  this is signed by 3 living prophets.  Who am I to justify or reason in disagreement with a prophet of the Lord.  I believe him to be a watchman on the tower.  He sees and understands things that I can not, we always don't understand why he is asking this of us but his abilities and insights are always on point.  We can find ourselves on the left-hand or the right-hand of the Lord, the decision is ours.  Heavenly Father gives us everything that we have and the only thing that we can give back to him is our will,  we have two choices, and I choose wholeheartedly to follow the living Prophet Thomas S. Monson who is the spokesperson of the LORD, and in Amos 3:7 it states that God reveals secrets to his prophets.  In 2 Nephi 2:27 it speaks directly about the consequences of our choices and I choose to follow God so that I might obtain Liberty and Eternal Life.  I also would like to direct you to Mosiah 3:19, it is not always easy to put off the natural man and become as a little child but worldliness is open rebellion against God.  Be careful in all decision that you make.  I know that the Prophet is looking out for our best interests and I will follow him.  I vote YES.
Connie Hendrickson


Jodi Jean said...

very well said.

Heidi Maloy said...


Lisa K said...

This is why I love you so much. Who wouldn't want you as their friend?

Ken said...

i'm voting yes too...for all the same reasons the most important of which is to follow the prophet that i raise my arm to the square and sustained as a prophet, seer and revelator.
