Friday, July 17, 2009

Beach Days

Mark loves the beach! He has beginning skin cancers (and scoops as I call them where some have been removed) on his back to prove his reckless teen years. But his love for the beach is strong. The beach is always in our summer plans so we invited kids and grandkids to join us.
You know these cute faces, so I'll refrain.

We went to Corona Del Mar so that we could show Aidan the tide pools, but we didn't check the calendar and it was very high tide, Scott did manage to find some sea anenimees (I have no clue how to spell this and neither does spell check) to show him. Keep Laughing.
He found lots of sea weed to carry around and each time it kept getting bigger. He called the sea weed gorgeous!

Grandpa found lots of time to enjoy the ocean with Aidan.

What a pretty day. Couldn't have asked for better weather, warm with a slight breeze, and as you can tell, decent waves.


Risa West said...

i love and miss the beach. looks like lots of fun

Nicole Shelby said...

It's anemone.

Lucky lucky lucky.
It looks amazing.

Love you.